Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm EST 855-977-0420


  • Do you offer a loyalty program?
    • Yes! Cannatron Rewards allows customers to earn points and redeem rewards. Customers will receive 200 points just for signing up! 
  • Who is eligible for Cannatron rewards?
    • Only customers with Wholesale accounts are eligible for Cannatron Rewards. Cannatron Rewards points can only be accumulated through online orders. Distributor accounts are not eligible for rewards.
  • How do Cannatron Rewards work?
    • Earn 1 point for every dollar spent. Cannatron Rewards points can only be accumulated through online orders and rewards can only be applied to online orders. 
  • What are the rewards?
    • Once you have accumulated 1,000 points you’ll receive a credit for $25 off your next purchase. 
    • We are looking forward to expanding this program in the future.