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Selling the Best Kratom Powders & Capsules

Selling the Best Kratom Powders & Capsules

Samantha Elizabeth Catrambone |

As consumers increasingly turn to natural alternatives for mood enhancement, energy, and relaxation, it’s important for smoke shop owners to stay informed about products like kratom. This versatile plant has gained significant traction in the U.S., thanks to its various uses and perceived benefits, making it an essential product to stock in your store if you want to meet rising customer demand.

With a wide range of strains, each believed to offer different effects and strengths, guiding customers to the right choice for their needs is key. Luckily, this guide will help you learn everything you need about selling the best kratom powders and capsules so you can gain a competitive edge in a growing sector of the market.


What Is Kratom Powder?

A small wood bowl filled with green kratom powder with a spoon filled with powder and kratom leaves in the back

Kratom powder is a finely ground substance made from the dried leaves of the kratom tree (Mitragyna speciosa), which is native to Southeast Asia. The leaves are harvested, dried, and then crushed into a powder form, making it easy to measure and consume. Your customers can choose from a range of kratom powders made of different strains with varying effects, strengths, and performance. When your customers come in looking to try kratom, it's important to guide them so that they choose the best product for their personal preferences and understand how to use it.


How To Use Kratom Powder

Kratom is used for perceived effects such as mood enhancement, increased energy, and relief from discomfort. In Asia, it is common to chew on kratom leaves or brew them into tea to help fight fatigue. In the US, kratom is more widely available in powder form, offering users a convenient way to enjoy its potential benefits. It's important to note that kratom’s effects can vary based on the dose: lower doses are often associated with stimulating effects, while higher doses are believed to lead to more sedative sensations. Although Kratom powder is highly versatile, here are some common consumption methods to consider:

1.      Toss and Wash

The Toss and Wash method involves placing kratom powder directly into the mouth and washing it down with water. It's quick but may be unappealing for those sensitive to its taste.

2.      Kratom Tea

By boiling kratom powder in water for about 20 minutes and then straining it to make kratom tea, users can enjoy a milder flavor. Adding sweeteners like honey or sugar can also improve the taste.

3.      Mixing with Food

Many users mix the powder into foods like yogurt, smoothies, or juices to mask the bitter taste of kratom.

4.      Kratom Capsules

Capsules are a great option for those who prefer a more convenient and tasteless method.


When using kratom, it’s generally recommended to start with a low dose to assess tolerance. This will allow your customers time to understand how their body responds before adjusting the dosage or frequency.  It's also essential to explain to them that the method of consumption can also affect the onset time, so tell them to wait for the effects to kick in before redosing.


If a customer is looking for a specific effect or benefit from their Kratom experience, it’s helpful to understand the different strains of kratom, as each one is believed to offer unique properties. This knowledge will help you guide them toward choosing a product that best suits their preferences.


How to Understand Different Strains of Kratom

6 kratom leaves are fanned out laying on a white background

Many users report that kratom strains offer unique effects and experiences based on color and origin. Kratom is named first by the color of the vein and second by the location of where it is harvested. Here’s an overview of popular kratom strains, and how they are commonly used:

Green Maeng Da

Often used by those seeking an energy boost, Green Maeng Da is believed to promote social ease and physical endurance. Many users report that this strain supports motivation, making it a popular choice for those who like to workout. Some also perceive it as encouraging an upbeat, confident attitude in social situations.


Red Maeng Da

Red Maeng Da is thought to foster a positive mindset and a sense of joy. It’s often associated with mental clarity and happiness, making it a favorite for those seeking a cheerful mood. This strain is commonly reported to help ease nervousness in social settings, promoting a more talkative and outgoing demeanor.


White Maeng Da

Known for its focus-enhancing and energizing qualities, White Maeng Da is often used by those who believe it helps with mental clarity and productivity. Many users report it provides energy to power through their projects.


Yellow Maeng Da

Yellow Maeng Da is perceived as offering a balance of energy and social interaction, with many users reporting a more joyful, motivated mood. Some also believe it encourages a pro-social attitude, helping to reduce social anxiety.


Red Bali

Frequently chosen by those seeking relief from discomfort, Red Bali is believed to support a calm and happy mindset. It’s often reported to help with relaxation and pain management, though individual effects may vary.


Green Borneo

Green Borneo is commonly perceived as offering balanced effects, with some users finding it helps maintain a relaxed, yet alert, state of mind. It’s thought to provide a sense of calm without causing drowsiness, making it a popular option for those who want to stay productive.


Red Borneo

Red Borneo is recognized for its balanced effects, merging energy with relaxation. Users often report heightened mental clarity, enthusiasm, and creativity, making it ideal for those seeking inspiration.


White Thai

White Thai is believed to support increased energy and productivity. It’s often used by individuals looking for a boost in social situations, with some reporting it helps them feel more engaged and focused throughout the day.


What Do Kratom Strain Colors Mean?

Kratom strains are categorized by the color of the veins on their leaves, which typically indicate the unique properties users may experience. The color differences are believed to result from varying levels of alkaloids, influenced by the maturity of the leaves and their drying process.

  • Red Strains: Known for their relaxing and calming properties, red vein kratom is often associated with feelings of tranquility and stress relief.
  • Green Strains: Green strains are typically associated with providing a balanced experience. They’re believed to promote clear-headed focus and mild energy.
  • White Strains: Often considered the most energizing, white vein kratom is thought to offer a boost in energy and motivation.
  • Yellow Strains: These strains are a bit rarer and are often created through unique drying processes. They are believed to elevate mood and provide a mild, uplifting effect.


It’s important to note that individual experiences with kratom can vary, and it’s not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Customers should be encouraged to start with low doses and adjust as needed when trying new products.


Best Kratom Powders & Capsules to Stock in Your Store

A wood bowl filled with kratom capsules next to a few kratom leaves

Happy Hippo Kratom Powder & Kratom Capsules

Happy Hippo offers a diverse selection of high quality kratom products that work, available in both powder and capsule form. Each batch is pre-sterilized to remove pathogens while preserving its potent alkaloid profile. All products are independently third-party lab tested, ensuring they’re free from additives or low-quality fillers. Their kratom powder comes in seven different strains, with package sizes of 1 oz, 4 oz, and 8 oz, catering to all customer preferences.

For those who prefer capsules, Happy Hippo also offers 100-count packages, with 2 capsules equaling 1 gram or 1 scoop of powder for precise dosing. We recommend stocking a variety of their products and familiarizing yourself with the effects of each strain to help your customers choose the best kratom for their goals.


MaxxOut Kratom Powder & Capsules

MaxxOut is another trusted name in the kratom industry, known for delivering potent and reliable products. Their kratom powders and capsules come in a range of sizes, offering customers the flexibility to choose what suits their needs. Powders are available in 1,000g, 500g, 280g, and 160g packages, while capsules come in 1000ct, 500ct, 280ct, 100ct, and 40ct options.

With an easy-to-follow serving size of two capsules, accurate dosing is simple and convenient for your customers. Beyond traditional kratom strains, MaxxOut also offers unique custom blends like Trainwreck and their Special Blend, popular choices among those looking for a different and enhanced experience!


Stocking the best wholesale kratom products from Cannatron allows you to cater to a wider customer base, providing the flexibility of both powders and capsules in a variety of strains. By familiarizing yourself with the effects and benefits of each strain, you can guide your customers toward the purchase that best supports their personal goals, ensuring they keep returning to your store for all their kratom needs.

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